The humble BEGINNINGS of the kings of kibera

Creating artwork was the catalyst.


The journey of the Kings of Kibera all started long ago when a group of ten young artists traveled to Kenya in 2006. While in Nairobi we met many young street kids and started making art and murals with them. Relationships were formed and we sponsored two of the street kids to go to high school.

In 2011, three of us returned to Kenya, and decided to build a house in the traditional way. Since then we have been supporting ten street kids on our own, and through the donations of others. All the boys have since graduated their primary studies and have since moved on to careers or University.

In 2018 we accepted 11 new street boys into the program. In 2019 a team from Spain built a new two story house on the grounds and we accepted 4 new street girls into the program.

Our aim is to drastically change the landscape of the community in Kibera. With education, housing, basic needs, and the community support of these street kids we feel we can make a difference.

This was the original structure that the “2nd Generation” grew up in. It was made in the traditional way with mud walls. In 2019 a new two story structure has gone up, designed by an architect and built with modern materials.

This was the original structure that the “2nd Generation” grew up in. It was made in the traditional way with mud walls. In 2019 a new two story structure has gone up, designed by an architect and built with modern materials.

The “2nd Generation” kids helped us build their own house. Moses pictured here is now a college attendee at Kenyatta University.

The “2nd Generation” kids helped us build their own house. Moses pictured here is now a college attendee at Kenyatta University.